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華質泰科與美國 Protein Metrics Inc 達成代理合作協議!

華質泰科與美國 Protein Metrics Inc 就下一代糖蛋白質組學質譜軟件

美國加州San Carlos消息(2013/11/19):

華質泰科生物技術(北京)有限公司(ASPEC)和美國加州硅谷生物質譜軟件開發商Protein Metrics Inc (PMI)就下一代蛋白質及翻譯后修飾搜索與鑒定引擎Byonic™ 和Preview™ 在大中華地區的獨家總代理達成了戰略合作協議。PMI授權ASPEC在中國大陸、臺灣、香港、澳門等地推廣、銷售、支持Byonic™ 和Preview™ 數據庫搜索及分析軟件,幫助這一地區的科學家通過增強蛋白質數據庫的搜索功能,尤其是通過簡化糖肽及其他各類翻譯后修飾的搜索與鑒定能力,自串聯質譜原始數據提取靈敏和全面的多肽和蛋白質信息。Byonic™ 支持所有質譜裂解模式如 CID、HCD、ECD、ETD、及TOF/TOF。能完成快速而精準的修飾鑒別、完整的糖肽識別、序列變異搜索、未知修飾Wildcard Search™ 通配符搜索,等等。此款產品已經在世界知名研究機構、生物制藥工業頂尖實驗室廣泛使用,用于對蛋白質串聯質譜數據的譜庫檢索、定量分析、和糖蛋白質解序和鑒定。是蛋白質鑒定搜索引擎和翻譯后修飾鑒定及序列解序的完美組合。2012年在知名的 ABRF 國際比對試驗中,勝出所有市場上的質譜運行軟件,獲得最高的真正陽性率(true positive)!Preview™ 處理鳥槍法蛋白質組學質譜數據,測定質量誤差、酶切特異性、和翻譯后修飾,以便后續全搜索。支持所有串接質譜、報告最高豐度蛋白、重新校正m/z測定值、提高質量精度1-20倍、檢測近60種不同的(來自樣品制備誤差或真正的PTM)的修飾。

About Protein Metrics Inc.: We focus on the analysis of mass spectrometric and other analytical data on proteins and glycans.  Over the past ten years, mass spectrometry hardware has improved at an amazing rate, but the software for analyzing mass spec data has improved very little.  Our Company’s aim is to correct this imbalance by providing innovative software to realize the full potential of mass spectrometry instruments in both the proteomics and biotechnology markets.  We strive to make analytical results more complete, sensitive, accurate, and easier to achieve. Our products build on eight years of research on proteomics and glycomics data analysis at PARC, a Xerox company, and we hold exclusive license to a number of PARC patents.

關于華質泰科:華質泰科生物技術(北京)有限公司是國內較早開展原位電離質譜技術的團隊之一,致力于引領行業領域中的實時科學發展潮流,通過專長的知識、專業的技術、成熟的產品和持續高品質的服務為客戶贏得更多、更好的投資回報。華質泰科是美國 IonSense 公司 DART® 實時直接分析質譜、ASAP 大氣壓固體分析探針質譜、美國 Advion 公司 TriVersa NanoMate® 芯片多通道納噴質譜、LESA® 液滴萃取表面分析質譜、加拿大 BSI 公司 PEAKS 蛋白質組學質譜軟件、美國 Phoenix S&T 公司雙柱-雙納噴質譜、加拿大 Phytronix LDTD® 激光高速熱解析電離質譜、美國Tymora 公司 PolyMAC 磷酸化肽富集試劑盒、等技術以及產品在大中華地區的獨家總代理。

Licenses Byonic™ and Preview™ Software Agreement with Protein Metrics in Greater China
November 19, 2013      
ASPEC Technologies and Protein Metrics announced today in San Carlos, CA, an exclusive license agreement for Byonic™ and Preview™ database search software in the Greater China region, adding next-generation capability to streamline analysis of glycopeptides, proteins, and other post translational modification data.  
Byonic™ software provides sensitive and comprehensive peptide and protein identification from tandem mass spectrometry data. It scores models for all types of fragmentation spectra: low-energy CID, beam-type CID and HCD, ECD and ETD, and TOF / TOF; The built-in Modification Fine Control™ is for fast and accurate identification, even with 20+ types of modifications, and intact glycopeptide identification, sequence variant search, Wildcard Search™ for unknown modifications, as well as modification site localization.
Preview™ software samples shotgun proteomics data to measure mass errors, digestion specificity, and modifications for subsequent full search. It supports all types of tandem mass spectrometers, reports the most abundant proteins in the sample, recalibrates m/z measurements based on confident identifications, improves m/z accuracy by 1–20x, assays upto 60 different modifications, both sample preparation artifacts and PTMs, as well as sequences variant search.

About Protein Metrics Inc.: We focus on the analysis of mass spectrometric and other analytical data on proteins and glycans.  Over the past ten years, mass spectrometry hardware has improved at an amazing rate, but the software for analyzing mass spec data has improved very little.  Our Company’s aim is to correct this imbalance by providing innovative software to realize the full potential of mass spectrometry instruments in both the proteomics and biotechnology markets.  We strive to make analytical results more complete, sensitive, accurate, and easier to achieve. Our products build on eight years of research on proteomics and glycomics data analysis at PARC, a Xerox company, and we hold exclusive license to a number of PARC patents.

About ASPEC Technologies: ASPEC develops solutions to help advance innovation in science and technologies in the Greater China markets.  We support scientists and professionals in the chemical, food, forensic, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, and life science industries by providing premier bio-analytical instrumentation, services, and consulting.  We are currently performing for and adding a new dimension of innovative application to ambient ionization mass spectrometry technology promotion, marketing, and support functions as an exclusive distributor in the Greater China region, covering DART® and ASAP ionization sources introduced by IonSense Inc., the LESA® and TriVersa NanoMate® ionization sources from Advion Inc., the LDTD® ionization source from Phytronix, the Nimbus nansospray source and nano-column heaters from PST, the PolyMAC phospho-peptide enrichment kits from Tymora, the Byonic glyco-peptide and proteomics software from PMI.
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